This pub is now a pasta restaurant (rather a nice one) but no good for thirsts
Closed down now and changing to a Strada restaurant. Oh goodie, another Italian restaurant! I didn't like this pub but it was good for attracting the sort of people I didn't want in my favourite pubs. Shame it's closed really.
for young people (18-30) who arent toff's this pub is a great place. controlled well by the bouncer at the weekends, it is lively, has 2 pool tables inside (what other pub in reigate does) and 1 summer table outside, alot of seating, many lagers n spirts, cider, not really any bitter (toff's) It also is one of the lagest pubs in the center of reigate and has a good sellection of music playing ever evening.
Only pub I've found that didn't sell bitter. The food wasn't worth the long wait. Best avoided.
Dodgy food (ours took ages and when it came it was cold) Totally full of chavs.
This place is a sh!t-hole! It's in a real tatty state of repair and even has smashed in windows now! Avoid at all costs
This pub is used for all the vermin to hang out. They should build a skate ramp in there for all the young greasy haired dropouts. It does keep them out of everywhere else. Unfortunatley only til 11 when all the fights that are inside spill out onto the streets of Reigate and everyone suffers.
Doorman offer no protection, by christ, they are younger than the boarders inside sometimes.
Not good at all!!!!!! Sends a shiver down my side thinking about it.
anonymous - 20 Jun 2005 17:20 |
Wonderful pub! only for the fact that it keeps all the W*****s out of any other establishment I might happen to visit. I've been to more pleasant Cesspits.
A life sapping zoo filled with undesirable c**ts. Pool table, big screen TV and urine-cheap lager offers. All the attractive attributes that pull in incestually bred, bleach drinking thieves. I would rather use a nail file on my eye balls than watch a bunch of slutty teenagers stamp on each others heads and invariably get pregnant through osmosis. These girls are amazingly fertile........
New management un-banned all previously banned people. Now the worst pub in Reigate. Not a nice place to be.
This is a pub for the rougher people of Reigate.Some nice looking ladies, but it all goes down hill when they open their mouths.Cheap drinks compared to some other pubs in Reigate.
anonymous - 27 Sep 2004 09:26 |
the management has recently changed
the white hart has recently gone very down hill
the beer, er, patio is not really that nice but the new wooden benches are a great plus, much better than the horrible patio furniture which whenever you got up it made that screeching noise, ick.
bring the old guys back!! nice food though!
anonymous - 31 Jul 2004 19:25 |
the management seems to change every holiday, but the regulars stay the same generally. always good to watch the match in.. the ladies never seem too bad, but i feel old in there sometimes and i'm twenty
Elliot - 13 Jun 2004 23:56 |
Amount of under-agers is down, prices are up. the young pub of Reigate. Gets shockingly busy, everyones squeezes past you while at the bar - no room to move past at all. Great atmosphere for footy games thouh you cant see a thing and you WILL lose your seat. Served soft rinks free on Xmas eve, which was nice as i was driving :D. You could do worse
Tom - 4 Apr 2004 21:41 |
I felt I should go into more depth on this pub since it's currently number one on the top 10 pubs.
Usual selection of beers (off the top of my head Worthington�s, Stella, Grolsch, Fosters, Bud, Miller, Corona). Quite pricey but that's usual for Reigate, there's often drink deals during the week and early evening so look out for the garish posters. They do quite a few shooters at reasonable prices too.
There seems to be a new games machine every couple of months, it's currently a bingo game...sounds crap but there are some addicted regulars. There's also a quiz machine and a purple pool table, I kid you not.
There's bouncers on the door at the weekends, though they're quite friendly and I've never seen any trouble in there.
The staff and customers are friendly though the music is sometimes very loud so you can't hold a conversation very easily. Often lots of lovely ladies.
Can be difficult to get a seat at weekends though there are sofas if you're quick.
Oh yeah they do food too, I've only ever tried the chips and they were nice.
I wasn't really a fan on the place when I first visited it but it's grown on me and I enjoy going there now. Not the place to go for a quiet evening though.
smuj83 - 17 Mar 2004 11:29 |
good music during the day!good food,very changing roomsy, quite relaxed
tony - 11 Nov 2003 21:58 |
karaoke on monday nights, at first it was great fun but now the novelty has worn very thin.
Perhaps it should be a fortnightly, or even monthly, event.
anonymous - 17 Oct 2003 19:48 |
Now called the White Hart, lots of young people, quite loud music, nice litte garden. A bit changing roomsy (all pine, weird mirrors). Not bad I suppose but there are better pubs in Reigate.
Smuj83 - 3 Sep 2003 16:22 |
now known as the "white hart".
Nice pub, good atmosphere and is usually packed on weekend nights.. making it unbearably hot.
Only down point really is the amount of under-age drinkers there.
Kat - 30 May 2003 12:07 |
Nice pub...crawling with younguns...recently changed management though..not for the best...
anonymous - 17 May 2002 21:19 |