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Abbot, Redhill

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user reviews of the Abbot, Redhill

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Unlikely to reopen, as planning permission has been granted for conversion into flats.
wealdman - 11 Jan 2020 10:31
wealdman - 19 Jan 2018 13:29
Poor staff, management, service, beer, hygiene - and watch your change!
randolf7 - 18 Mar 2017 20:56
Closed tonight...
wealdman - 28 Jan 2017 21:42
Closed today.
wealdman - 23 Jan 2017 17:00
Handy place to meet up - adjacent to the bus and train stations.

Not today though, closed.

Odd in Christmas week.
brewmason - 22 Dec 2016 17:59
New young governor works hard - though, there's usually only one barperson.

This makes service slow at times.

And the place is busier - due to the closure of the Eagles Nest, nearby.
randolf7 - 20 Oct 2016 09:06
At last, a new young governor who actually works - unlike his lazy predecessor.

Things can only be better.
brewmason - 4 Sep 2016 17:51
Been in a lot of bad pubs - but this takes the biscuit!

The manager is a lazy clown.

Sincere apologies to the clowns who work.

Hygiene doesn't exist, staff ignore customers, incorrect change is the norm, frequent bust ups and screaming conversations - from 6".

We, in Santander - up the road - would not darken the doors of this vile place again.

My girlfriend in Axa says the same.
randolf7 - 23 Jul 2016 23:52
Yes, its hard to imagine a worse pub, with dire (or no) management. The governor (Steve or Pete?) is lazy and useless. And the staff are untrained. Was in there last week: Never again.
brewmason - 22 Jan 2016 11:49
One of the worst pub in Surrey.

Inept management, poor hygiene and beer quality.

Staff are dire, slow - but nor slow enough to short change! AVOID...
wealdman - 16 Jan 2016 11:20
Awful place - where those who are barred from all other pubs, in the area, are served. Management is either non-existant or dire. Was in last night when many of the white powder people were enjoying themselves!

Avoid, at all costs.
mandraker - 11 Nov 2015 12:13
Handy enough pub - near the train and bus stations. But the service is dire.

The landlord is too lazy to serve himself - or to train new staff.

And check your change!
randolf7 - 16 Oct 2015 10:00
The governor here will do little, in terms of work. No matter how busy it gets.

brewmason - 6 Oct 2015 10:46
A lone trainee barmaid - struggled to serve yesterday. Whilst the governor (50's/specs) chatted with his mates, at the end of the bar.

When he had to, he would quickly go behind the bar (to explain the till), and then resume his converstion outside the bar.

Many waited 10/15 minutes for a drink. Others left.

wealdman - 30 Sep 2015 10:00
Busy pub, near bus and railway station. Only pub in Redhill with Sky sports.
tempest - 5 Apr 2014 10:26
Open again, after a paint job - looks well......
blackgander - 6 Mar 2013 09:11
closed yeah, but only for a paint job, I heard
brewmason - 26 Feb 2013 21:57
randolf7 - 25 Feb 2013 21:36
Only local pub with Sky Sport and, with the demise of the Dog and Duck (fire) - the place has become quiet busy again. Proximity to train and bus station helps.
croydonpeer - 19 Feb 2013 09:00
This pub has given up on real ale. It is really in need on a makeover as since the closure of the nightclub opposite it has lost its reason to exist.
anotherpintplease - 23 Dec 2012 11:19
The friendly landlady does not look like a witch - and the pub has Sky, starting today; the only one around to have it?
tradervic - 16 Sep 2012 12:08
yes a pool table in a pub in redhill..all they need now is sky...only thing is the landlady looks like a witch
redjohn - 2 May 2012 13:38
In the past year this Pub seems to have had it tough, the closure of the nightclub and sky sports has emptied it.
I have been in a couple of times for lunch, no Ale and a misearable looking witch behind the Bar who doesnt seem interested in anything other than standing gossiping with the brain dead regulars.
I heard they were closing but they seem to be carrying on.
The food is horrible and I really wish I could say something nice but unless a new team comes in with a new pub/theme then me and my colleagues will be avoiding.
Officeworker - 10 Apr 2012 12:09
Now, this place isn't great by any stretch of the imagination but on my visit it also isn't as tragic as portrayed. Admittedly we may have been lucky with the suprisingly good live band
filf - 26 Feb 2012 23:56
A very lonely place all day. When the staff are twiddling their thumbs, they might clean and paint the place which is looking very tired, inside and out.
wealdman - 6 Feb 2012 01:21
What can you expect from Redhill's number two unemployed and scivers club
papavar - 21 Jan 2012 13:10
One of the finest and most succinct reviews ever posted. Well done. I've been giggling for some 30 minutes now.
Mines_a_large_one - 21 Oct 2011 15:32
Visited this place for the first time.

No beer.

Visited this place for the last time.
gareth1011 - 21 Oct 2011 14:24
My god, what a hole.

The only possible reason I can see to use this place would be if you had half an hour wait for your train. DON'T, use the Home Cottage behind the station.
kevmac - 22 Aug 2011 22:00
Now open until 2am at weekends.
wealdman - 8 Jul 2011 10:57
agree with beerlager. but the dog & duck regulars now drink in the abbot (known locally as 'the stabbit'). maybe they might stay there after the D&G reopens!?
wolfdog - 5 Jul 2011 13:04
Not much of a pub - which will have to work a lot harder to survive, now that the nite-club opposite has permanently closed. With major refurbishments almost finished at the nearby Dog and Duck and the Home Cottage, money will have to be spent although the main problems are the bored/inept staff and the lack of hygiene.
beerlager - 5 Jul 2011 12:12
Aah The Abbot, where the dross of Redhill convene for a few beers before heading over to Liquid / Envy of a weekend.

A few years ago I remember this being quite decent - now it's just a bit of a hole where chavs can get the beers in prior to a night at the aforementioned nightclub.

I can of course only speak for evenings here - lunchtime at The Abbot might be a very different experience.
ndf9876 - 23 May 2011 14:38
Buying in stock, putting water in the vodka and barcardi, burnt food, under pouring on both beers and spirits, this pub Is the laughing stock if redhill, clearly no one reads the messages on here or something would have been done, what a joke
Bigs24 - 7 Apr 2010 15:58
I used to frequent this establishment daily, myself and my colleagues would visit for our lunches and to unwind, however, after several burnt meals and the removal of the ales we have chosen to spend our lunches elsewhere. It is a shame because the staff are friendly and we often have nice chats with them which was nice. Unfortunatley as lunches are only short my friends do not wish to hang around half hour for a sandwich, new management required greene king as you are losing a lot of money, also change the chef, Simon as not just my colleagues but most people I know will not eat if he is cooking due to both his hygience, (scratching his never regions in front of us, down his trousers) and the decline in good food, what a waste of a good pub, Geoff
Bigs24 - 11 Mar 2010 13:47
Overall the pub smells of a toilet- Greene King sort it out.
TT84 - 29 Dec 2009 17:19
Well the abbot used to be a friendly enjoyable place to be , there was a lad there i think darren or daniel who was one of the managers when i was last there who seemed very optimistic and professional and smartly presented, recently i have returned to the abbot to find a dull cold pub being run by an incompetent individual who is very untidy and his personal hygeine is appalling to say the least ! this individual SIMON should not be allowed to run a bath let alone a pub, I am an MD for a local company and would love to talk to higher people about lack of anything in the abbot, what asham this place used to be great , Greene king do something about this PLEASE!!!
Direstraits1 - 29 Oct 2009 18:42
After spending a great Wednesday night (karaoke) at The Abbot I was very dissapointed to find out that the Manager is leaving. He has always been so friendly and professional - good luck for the future Jon. I would also like to say how great it is to have Andi Rob back on a wed doing Karaoke, I have missed him!
sallie76 - 26 Jun 2008 22:14
I came in here for a quick pint as I'd just missed my train and had another hour to kill. Major disappointment is that I couldn't see any ales on tap so had to settle for a Carling instead. The interior is quite cosy and the toilets were clean.

My impressions are is this ain't a bad pub but equally I'd only recommend going there if you had to do the same as me which was waiting for your train to turn up...
wezmiester - 26 Sep 2007 13:45
Let me help you out with the thing that's missing. It's the bar staff most of the time they're chatting to the regulars at the end of the bar.
lazy - 2 Jul 2007 14:38
This pub is lacking something but I cant put my finger on it. But for its location I think it would struggle...
KITCHEN - 20 Jun 2007 15:55
Visited last month and thought it showed promise for such a large pub close to station. Landlord heard me discussing ale choices with friends and took the time to point out that Speckled Hen has now been reduced to 4.5%abv (from 5.2?) which makes it more approachable if on a session. Unfortunately that positive helpful attitude was absent yesterday lunch when, despite a friendly greeting from the bar, only one of the 3 handpumps was in action - GK IPA. Come on Abbot, make an effort.
trainman - 16 Feb 2007 15:31
Nothing special, but close to the station and the young barman was actually interested in the real ale rather than the lager! Pleasantly surprised.
rpadam - 31 Jan 2007 19:02
Seee Roy has been here recently. He is a cheeky devil ;-D. I have only been to this pub a few times.First time was about a year ago with my lady friend Jules. We used to go here before braving Liquid Envy which to be honest is just a meat market.To be honest I would have much prefered to have stayed in this pub because I prefer the music in this pub and it does feel like a mini little club. The table and chairs could do with some replacement as I found them very uncomfortable.I went in there about a month ago with my bouyfriend and his mate and played that bowling machime. That was rather fun and of course I didn't win.I can't really pass alot of comment about this pub as I haven't been there that often.
candybabe - 3 Jan 2007 21:21
TO WHOEVER IT MAY CONCERN !! I would just like to say that there is nothing wrong with the ABBOT PH at all .
I have been frequenting the premisis for just over eight years on and off and have seen it under go a lot of changes in the last six months and let me state that these changes are for the better .I would just like to ask how the hell can someone "say what a pub is like " if they have never been in there !!! what a load of old cobblers !! If some people were to actually visit the pub and actually talk to the managers ,bar staff and locals you will see a diffrent side to the place ,other then the one you think you know. Everything has changed in the Abbot , The new managers are doing a blinding job by being freindly ,honest , the bar staff are the same a few new faces now but hey as i said changes are for the better !! the music on a weekend is really good too !! And all this nonsence about it being the hub of violence is complete rubbish , the management and doorstaff do an excellent job in keeping order and keeping the trouble makers out of the pub THIS IS A NON VIOLENT PLACE !!!! and may i just add as a last note The Abbot shines brightly over many of the other pubs in redhill so just get your head out of your behinds and go visit it plus the food is excellent too !!!
Thebison - 27 Dec 2006 04:23
I have to say after reading these comments I am shocked we are talking about the same pub. The staff and managemement I find really welcoming, taking the time to greet,chat and have a laugh with customers.

The drinks prices very reasonable. (Especially as O'neils doesnt even sell my fav tipple of Smirnoff Ice - How can a pub not sell Smirnoff Ice)

They have a karaoke on a Wednesday which is great fun so many good singers and everyone is up for a laugh - no trouble.

The weekends are very lively with different DJ's each night which is good, playing all types of music and there is always people up dancing and having a laugh.

Have rarely seen any trouble in there as the door staff are on the ball and quick to defuse any situatiuons and at the end of the day whats wrong with that, all pubs have trouble i was in the dog recently when the landlord got hit - whats that all about !!!!!! But then the Dog does have a reputation for being a violent locals pub.

Ive heard on the grapevice that there is a refurb plan in operation due to start in the New Year and that the gents toilets have just been completed as they were in desparate need (Shame the Sun cant take a leaf out of the Abbots book - their toilets are minging)

Definatly by far the best drinking place in town and being so close to Liquid not far to stumble at the end of the night !!!!!!!

I think you should all give it a break and another go - you never know you may actually enjoy yourselves !!!!!!
smirnoff_Ice - 6 Dec 2006 16:13
Agree with below. It's OK for football but that's only because the dog and muck sorry duck is the only other pub near with Sky sports. The last few times I've been in the barstaff have been sitting down talking to the customers and taking no notice of the bar at all so i walked out both times. Probably could have served myself and they wouldn't have noticed. It's a pity as the place feels like it could be good, the layout of the place it unusual as you have three levels which could be utilised to better effect. when you consider it's only real rival in the town centre is an Irish theme pub. It looked like it might get the much needed overhall a few months back when new management came in but it seems to have not changed a bit. Can't recommend it, go to the Irish theme pub. pity
anonymous - 31 Oct 2006 15:08
The Abbott isn't that bad really - beer is ok, the tellys are plentiful for football (the main time I go there) and the bar staff are quite friendly. Never fancied it late night much (too loud - I'm getting old :) ) but for a lunchtime pint, or a spot of footy, it's fine.

milkybarnick - 8 Oct 2006 18:35
You guys are plonkers. This pub is for slags and sleezes. Common and muck!! Lets get to the point!!
anonymous - 7 Aug 2006 11:30
Well maybe if you were such a wonderful person yourself you wouldn't be reading up! I will have you know that I am educated probably more than can be said about yourself.

More importantly, is what I was taught at home and at school/college/university, is to have manners and appreciation for others opinions, to be well mannered and refrain from making unnecessary comments.

Im not a 'chav' and wonder if you brand yourself in this catergory?

Maybe you should give the Abbot another go, with an attitude like yours you would probably get along with their dj and managment quite well.

katiethompson - 18 Jul 2006 12:24
May I start by suggesting to _c_, that just because one doesn't want to put their name to their post doesn't make it have 'no credence'. After all _c_ is hardly a introduction or indication of who you might be but I still read and give credit to your views. Your points are as valid as mine, I just chose not to put my name. I have no shame about my remarks and if you want to know I am Katie T. I hope that validates my comments to you and others with the same beliefs. May I highlight that I did state that these were MY personal views of which like yourself, I am entitled to anonomous or not.
With regards to cleanliness, as you can see I was judging from my experience and mentioned the female toilets, of which after reading detail in your post Im assuming you are a male and should have no experience of! (apologies and retraction of this comment if you are female only _c_ harly gives the game away!). Therefore maybe its your comment of mine being 'totally unfounded' that has no credence here!
You obviously disagree with my interpretation of the music being played. This is what I heard and felt from my experiences. Might I add that you must be rather great DJ's to be able to get together different music for every time you play, so all credit to you there. I would guess that most folks visiting a public house such as the Abbot, are the kind of music lovers that enjoy more of a 'commercal scene' in music and I wasn't aware that there is that much new or commercal music around to be able to perform this using different tracks (as you suggest) each night of each weekend. However I trust in what you are saying (and thats not just because you signed your post!), and can only interpret this feeling of difference of opinions because you are playing something different all the time and to be able to do this at least some of your music I will be unfamilar with. Because of this, to me it sounded like heavy uncommercal RnB and I did not enjoy it. Sorry, but my opinion!!
Taking into account your style of writing and comments below, I stick with my views of the DJ's even more so now and can only guess that you are the 'larger miserable arrogant' one of the duo. I did state I found you unapproachable and feel that is supported in your response with the hostility towards me and my comments.
With regards to your opinion on the managment, Im pleased for you that you have good experiences with them. After all you have to work together and if you didn't get along then you'd be out of a job and them a dj! To me they were rude, well the man especially. If I were judging this as you suggest as 'the cold world of business' then look at it from this angle, Im the one (customers as a whole), paying yours and their wages at the end of the day by spending my wages in their pub. I expect at least a bit of common curtisy if nothing else. Its not hard to be polite. However, in saying that its definately NOT business to me. This is my social night out. My free time to enjoy myself and the last thing I want is moody, unapproachable people, working in a dirty pub and playing the music I haven't even heard of! hence my reasons for not going back there since and writing my review.
As for giving suggestions face to face, this is all very well if you feel able to do so and clearly I didn't. I also wonder if it is advisable for general customers to do so seeing as it appears that if any of you disagree with their suggestions they may experience the same level of hostility I have? and will they be grunted at by the male manager the same as I was or told their points have 'no credence'?
Im guessing with the general arrogance of some people in this world, (yourself and/or staff at the Abbot may very well be excluded here) that you might go on the opinion that if Im not happy with the place then 'bugger off'. Well I haven't been to this pub since so I have done. The intention of my original post was to supply others with a account of my 'personal' opinions which is what this site was invented for. I have done this and will say once again, if you feel like giving it a go then by all means go ahead. Hope it turns out a good night for you.
anonymous - 16 Jul 2006 01:40
I work at The Abbott as one of the resident DJs and I have to say I enjoy my job. As far as I'm concerned I'm only there on a Friday or Saturday night so I can only base my opinion accordingly. With reference to that I can only assume that anonymous opinions don't hold any credence.
As far as I'm concerned I believe that the posts regarding the cleanliness of the pub are totally unfounded! I also feel that you cannot judge a pub on the few punters that feel the need to have a punch up...rather judge it on the speedy reactions of the door staff and the guvnor who disperse the trouble as quickly as possible.
With reference to the 'heavy R n B' comments, if you are referring to Friday and Saturday nights you are sorely night at the weekend is EVER the same with regards to the music as we always vary things. We endeavour to play what YOU the public want to hear(within reason)!! (unfortunately I can't comment on the music on thursdays as I am never there to hear it)
From my point of view the new management have been totally approachable to me and indeed many other people, OK they have put some noses out of joint but unfortunately that is the cold world of business for you!! All that we ask is that people let us know what they think(to our faces) so that we can make appropriate changes where applicable)
Check out The Abbott...I personally celebrated my birthday down there with alot of my friends and had a fantastic night!!!!
_c_ - 27 Jun 2006 23:27
The Abbot well this place used to be jumpin! it was great on a friday night and even saturdays got a bit better lately not much but a bit. In the last few weeks it has gone through alot of changes some of them good some bad the saturday nite djs now do fridays aswell! i just want ask why? the friday night dj was wicked he was the best dj the abbot has had and ive been going in there for a few years now, i can see the weekend going shit in there now. Who wants to hear the same dj 2 nights on the trot? not me. I know the pub has new management now but i think gettin rid of the friday night dj was a bad idea the 2 guys on a saturday are ok but not great as for fights well what do u expect its a pub with a late lience these things are gonna happen whatever area you are in.
anonymous - 13 Jun 2006 15:55
After the stories on BITE telling of the Abbot's improvement recently my mate and I decided to give it a second chance. These stories were soon dismissed as bo***cks when we went one Saturday evening, around 8pm, probably about 10 people in the place. We paid nearly �9 for 2 double JD and cokes and within 5 minutes of our arrival there was a fight (yep, 10 people in the place and a fight broke out). The Abbot is a dive. Always has been. Always will be.
anonymous - 12 May 2006 11:38
the abbot is a great pub to go to.
the abbot has 2 pool tables, 2 bigscreens and other screens situated throught the has 2 floors and is quite a comfy pub to go to. they are open monday to wednesday 12pm - 12am, thursday 12pm - 1am, friday and saturday 12pm - 2am and sunday 12pm - 11pm.
on a thursday night they have kareoke in the evening and is a great place to voice your talent!!! on friday and saturday evenings they have DJs playing chart releases and old skool and everything you can imagine! not classical or opera though!!!!!!theres a dancefloor and its of good size. on sundays they have quiz nights starting from either 8pm or 9pm and you could win yourself �500 cash or �120 Bar tab and other prizes such as a round of drinks its only just started, so get yourself down there and win some CASH!!!. SDuring the weekdays they serve food it tastes great having sampled most of it myself i think its tastes really good, if your looking for posh food go somwhere else. its a pub! . They serve food monday too friday 12pm-3pm and 5pm-9pm some nights only till 8pm depending on what functions are going on. the drinks are quite cheap and not overly priced. thats all i have too say for now ive only just started working there and i think its great so ill post a review and let you all know whats happening.
djkwright - 8 Apr 2006 20:44
I think the abbot has turned around in the past 6 months, it has got rid of most of the trouble makers, the door team are regualar and 10 times nicer than the ones b4, very strick on ID so you wont find a 16 year old throwing up in the bogs!! Bar staff are pucker and most of them well fit!! they are very friendly and service wit a smile is always the best!

I went there last in august 2005 on a friday and had a wicked night Keep it up xxxxxxxx
sweetiepe - 8 Nov 2005 16:17
Seems the Abbot has been given a terrible write up by most on here, but theres a large element of snobbishness in that. If you want a quiet ye ole pub to sup on some ale your best off looking elsewhere. If you have an aversion to people who arnt afluent types then clear off to Reigate. If on a weekend you want to have a laugh & dance till late, then there is nothing wrong with the place. Occasional violence, but in this type of late pub with dance floor atmosphere & people drinking these things will happen. Also has plasma screen tvs & shows pretty much all football on sky tv, can be a good place to watch Engerlund play.
lone_wolf77 - 15 Sep 2005 20:43
"Burn"'s comment of 22/4/05 is out of order. Although the pub is, by all accounts, awful (and Redhill has far better pubs - try the Garland) the language in the comment brings BITE into disrepute.

The abbot is not my idea of a friendly local pub, but when visiting a place like redhill you should bring the good beer guide with you and look for the recommended pubs. Then you can all leave feeling you had a great night out.
jamie.nakin - 5 Jul 2005 17:58
WE also have 2 pool tables now, a wide screen tv, a big screen and 5 other tv's around the pub.
curly69 - 30 May 2005 17:51
WTF has she got rid of Alfie - a club DJ for more than 20 years played here for the Love not the money. I for one won't go here out of principle now!!
anonymous - 4 Aug 2004 08:54
To everyone that has commented about how much they hate it:

It has just been taken over again by new management, and I'll guarantee that Jo will get out any undesirables. It has just been redecorated, very bright and nice, and although they are still charging at weekends, there is no mid-week charge now.

I shall be taking over the karaoke from this Thursday coming (3rd June), and I wont tolerate any bad behaviour either, so give it another chance and see what you think!

I can't change the price of the drinks though :(
mandyb - 31 May 2004 03:31
Vile! You pay �2 to get in, the drinks are disgustingly expensive, full of pikeys..dont even brush past someone, or look at them the wrong way! All in all, I'd rather drink saddams piss then go here again..
Kat - 20 Dec 2003 18:16
I've never seen so many pikeys congregated in one pub at any one time. Use to go there a fair bit until new management took over and since then the place has gone steeply downhill mainly due to every barred person being allowed back.
anonymous - 3 Oct 2003 16:58
Very nice
freddy - - 30 May 2002 11:42

got anything to say about this pub?

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