I'm glad this cattle market has shut down too!
Looks like my old comment got removed, so I will comment again...
Cheekees was horrible and I'm glad it's gone. The only people who would even think of drinking in here during the day were the sort of people you'd be wanting to avoid anyway, if you were normal of course.
Only claim to fame is that it's mentioned in a Hard-Fi song. You can guess in what context.
It's now closed down.
Upstairs is now, yes, a lap-dancing club and downstairs has been refurbished into a proper nightclub with a fenced off dance floor and everything! They're certainly doing their bit for drinking responsibly as at �4 a drink after midnight you certainly won't see many people pissed in there.
You probably won't see many people in there at all, in fact, myself included.
anonymous - 30 Apr 2007 21:54 |
Due to be refurbed as i type and upstairs will be...a stripbar!
Old News!
This place has had a compulsory purchase order on it for years.
anonymous - 2 Mar 2006 12:26 |
Bad News or 'good' News Folks!! 'ELMSLEIGH CENTRE GROUPS' have bought CHEEKIES - so now it's 'closing' down!..
Thats abit harsh i thought Burberry went out years ago?? There's not much else left in Staines to be honest for comparison!! Thats why people seem to be going there.
'The' place to go in Staines? Only if you wear Burberry.
anonymous - 28 Feb 2006 08:30 |
This is fast becoming the new place to go in Staines which is very worrying as most other places have been closed which limits the choice.
Whoops, my mistake. 'the drink' is officially in guildford! sorry woking!
anonymous - 6 Jun 2005 13:10 |
this is probably the biggest dive ever!! (apart from the hole they call 'the drink in woking, which is just as bad, decor and everything!) Downstaires is not so bad, shame the re-vamp ended there? Upstaires is just one big pile of.... Ok for the ocasional 'lets get wasted' �25 all you can drink i spose. This place is definatly not full filling its potential and needs to raise its standards!! There is one good thing, the last thursday of the month is ladies night, n male strippers is never a sight for sore eyes..
Nicer atmosphere downstairs than in the toad or the blue. Not half as much attitude
anonymous - 17 Feb 2005 10:04 |
cheekees should be exterminated. the chav scum that has walked on those floors and sat on those chairs must surely carry some kind of disease. its the worst place to go in staines. with the exception of England Matches, i would rather stay at home and watch ground force. there used to be one decent barmaid and she seems to have dissappeared into oblivion. its a sweat pit. all you can drink for �2.60 is more like it.
anonymous - 15 Feb 2005 16:51 |
Should be closed down. One word to describe this place would be...rubbish. Attitude everywhere.
anonymous - 9 Feb 2005 08:39 |
Awful place. Bad beer and wall to wall charvers.
A friend of mine once said you cant turn a pigs ear into a silk purse - so why the hell has he even bothered trying to make this hole of a place anything other than what it is!!!
Always has been a hole always will be!!
Enough said (well not really I could go on & on.....)
anonymous - 7 Feb 2005 19:46 |
Cheekies is a good name for this place because inside cheekies you can find plenty of arseholes.
Should become a soup kitchen, for future Charvers to spend their Giro..
Is_it - 31 Jan 2005 13:18 |
Went to this 'Club' last Friday. Bouncers seemed okay. Downstairs (where we went) was �6 to get in. A pint of fosters was an incrediable �3.50!! The place was empty when we arrived at about 22:30 but was soon packed out. It was okay in there, but nothing special, I would say The Blue Anchor is a better choice.
anonymous - 21 Jan 2005 12:31 |
I hated the days of The Exchange at the weekend it was a hole that needed to be closed if not for the drinkers it encouraged to go there, then for the bouncers that worked there. It was a place to venture only if you were in desperate need of either wanting trouble or seeing it.
I have been in the downstairs part of Cheekees since the change and have had a few good nights. Mainly due to difference the �all you can drink� entrance fee for upstairs has made to the place. Instead of getting chavs wanting to fight all over the place, they are allured by the offer upstairs and it makes for a friendlier downstairs. Although the odd fight is bound to happen especially in Staines, but not as often as when it was the Exchange.
What I want to know is why they didn�t put the dance floor at the other end of the bar, then you wouldn�t have to stumble pissed through the crowd each time you need the loo. At least the Fosters don�t taste as shit as when it was The Exchange either!
anonymous - 31 Dec 2004 14:28 |
I've certainly never heard of this place being called a "Brasserie", but there is possibly "Brass" looking for clients in there! The only true 'nightclub' in Staines, which obviously means it's not going to attract the best clientele in the World (I'm not a snob, I like in Staines myself). �5 to get in, and the drinks aren't cheap. Plenty of TV screens which are a bit pointless during the evening (you can watch WWF if you want!)and a few pool tables to keep you entertained. It's nicely decorated with comfy seating in abundance, but the music is generally pop and old 'classics' (read ABBA and 'It's raining men') so not good if you have any taste....at all. If you NEED drinks until late though, this is your only option. Don't watch any footbally here. I saw Eng v Fra during Euro 2004 and the place was full of scum. Glasses were being thrown the screen was attempted to be ripped down.
Actually a nightclub, but is open as a pub!! and servers food during the day.....
Gavin Cotton - 24 Oct 2004 10:29 |