Trading well now, under fairly new ownership.
Good local with pleasant atmosphere, and good beer.
Much improved - since some longterm regulars were barred!
Under new management now.
Got threatened here once and staff did nothing.
Never going back.
Some evenings, the baby ritual now goes on tour to other Reigate pubs - but the cult seems to prefer the Admiral. Why they can't wash/feed their baby at home is a mystery!
Yes boat, a good pub with good/friendly staff. But the nightly baby ritual (same individuals) is out of place, and should not be tolerated. It often takes over most of the back bar, with equipment etc., and makes our pool games impossible.
You all seem very intent on having your say on here but dont wish to speak to anyone in person about these matters. I am sure if this offends you a quiet word to Dawn or any of the staff would help. I am finding that the comments posted are all in regards to certain peoples names ie dawn and Ian and am tempted to think that all the negativity being posted is a personal thing and not regarding the pub. The staff at The Admiral attempt to make all welcome but as in any walk of life not all people are going to see eye to eye. One of the most used comments I find from regulars in the pub including myself is that they are working hard to make it a community venue. These people arent bad people just like you and I they are working hard to earn a living. Try giving it a go and working with them if that does not solve the problems you have with the pub or its staff then move to another. Give it a go. Hope you eventually find the right nook for yourselves and enjoy your pints again.
Yes Randolf - I've noticed this mother/baby/2 bloke ritual for a while now. Not on, in any decent pub!
They just use the (vague) system of management in the pub, and smile when people comment about their pale little person. Just like others, about their dogs.
Why don't they go elsewhere - home, maybe?
Or, is feeding and washing babies a new way to get business, Ian?
there is a lady here (customer), who almost every night feeds her small baby in this two bar pub - with the help of her partner; nappies etc. extremely bad manners, and taking advantage of a very friendly management and us locals.
A very friendly pub with a great atmosphere and welcoming staff. I always feel well looked after in this pub and am so glad it's not closing!!!!! LONG LIVE THE ADMIRAL!!
Almost worth a visit. Ian the Scots owner (often in the background) watches Lesley - his partner and the name on the business (!) - and Dawn, the patsie. Closing soon we hope locally in NL, before/after the court case. Ian - greed at all costs - who cares about neighbours or anything else?
Open - as normal.
Open - as normal.
Closed - yesterday.
A good pub now with good beer and friendly people. But that Simon Redface HAS to go! Talks about everyone behind their backs....
well I rencently started to use The Admiral Inn again.......and OMG what a FANTASTIC atmosphere...........I know some might find it a bit boisterous but I had manage to find the best of both worlds in a little back street pub........In the week I can pop in for a nice quite drink watch some footy and have a chat with all the staff (who i would like to say are the friendliest bunch of lets say characters ) and at weekends i have found i can go out and blow out ......and have a real laugh. on a serious note the BEER is best its been in in about 6 years...........and now on my last visit even the gents loos have had a revamp.......would like to say well done to all involved in the changes you have made oveer the last few months and if im gonna spend my hard earned cash anywhere it will be in THE ADMIRAL INN ........Cheers guys ......see you at the weekend if not before !
Good new manageress, Dawn, has given the place a lift - and there's usually something going on, entertainment wise.
ok, I've been here twice now as I couldn't believe how bad it was the first time. Two visits and two undrinkable pints (my mate's Youngs physically made me wretch - nasty little vinegar 'bits' in the bottom to go with my sulphurous lager from the week before). Children not quite running amok but hardly behaving. Generally unsavoury feel.
The pub is looking much better and the atmosphere is really good. New manager Lee has made it far more homely with a roaring fire, better decor and food served in the evenings. Worth a visit.
The customers (a friendly little clique) in this small basic back street pub seem to be programed to welcome us visiting real ale drinkers from Dorking. Did I overhear (tonight) that Stuart is now living upstairs?
Sadly, the excellent Irish manageress has moved on - and she'll be difficult to replace. Will the new management have the ability/will to generate business over the coming slow winter months? Time will tell...
went back after not visiting for a few months, beer awful, stench from otside drains although someone in corner saying it was the cellar, the owner and his wife holding court in the corner which used to be the norm when i used it often and a crowd of lads who were obviously in training for the 2012 olympic swearing loudly event, (cant see anyone beating them) shame really. it was never the greatest pub in the world and wont rush back.
Went here the other night and it just felt like it had lost all its atmosphere. Beer wasn't great. A bit sterile. Only four of us in there. Nothing dreadful, the place just feels a bit unloved and like it's treading water.
Went to the Admiral on Sat 27th November. Mike Dobie (who is EXCELLENT) was playing. The bar staff were brilliant, the crowd was mixed and fantastic, even though a tad excitable.
Salt of the earth punters and a bloody good night.
I can't rate this highly enough.
Oh good.... slippery slope back to the way it was then. So does anyone know if it has been sold of just new management "yet again" been brought in..... not that I will ever step foot in the place again!!
Its always a risk when new people take over. Those who are barred sneak back in.
The loud lout - that is the 'Mercedes Bore' - has returned...
This pub has reopened - with an efficient and pleasant Irish lady governor; things seem to be better thatn ever!
Maybe its hours have changed again then (the board I saw said 4 till close weekdays 12 till close weekends...... or maybe whoever owns it doesnt know what to do with the place anymore!!!
Well, it wasn't open when I walked by....yesterday!
Apparently this place has now reopened, 4-close week days and 12-close weekends. However having bumped into one of the ex barstaff there, it would seem that none of the staff that were there have been offered their jobs back, none of them got any sort of compensation for the pub closing and them being out of a job, not even a weeks notice, all seems very underhand to me, so I shall be avoiding it!
Sadly it would see that this pub has been closed. Sign on the door says "until further notice" so I dont know if it will reopen at some point..... shame all the hard work the Ex manager Kate put it has gone to waste!
got another new manager (dave) got to say looks like hes doing ok job, went in last friday they had a singer and the place was rocking and everyone looked like they were enjoyin themselves, not a sniff of trouble,gonna give it a try for england game tmrw, see if that goes ok
I do not go here very often, (maybe once a month) and was very sad to hear that the latest manager has left, the standards seem to be slipping already, and the louts are on their way back in. Kate ( the ex manager, so Im told but dont quote me!!) was the best thing that ever happened to the Admiral IMO, I hope it does not go back to how it was.
Despite having resided in the area for over 30 years I had never once crossed the Admiral's threshold (is that an old naval term? I do hope not!). Anyway, having heard things had taken an upward trajectory of late I dropped in for a brief pint last Saturday lunchtime to see if there is any justifiable fuss to make as it stands now, even if I am unable to make comparisons with its previous incarnations. I found the pub in a quiet period - well, it would've been if the large TV had not been in on. That said, the very personable young woman behind the bar did at least offer to turn it off (with no prompting), which despite the banality I declined, as who am I to dicate, and I was only in for a quick one. The Admiral clearly still clings to its roots as a corner local, and so it should. They had resisted the temptation to knock through the two bars and despite a connecting doorway they remained comfortably separate. There were some chaps chatting in the other bar but nothing obstreperous; laddish not loutish. Endeavouring to butter up the barmaid, I expect! The ale selection was, as I suspected, disappointing, with the all-too-ubiquitous Pride and Bombardier on and the 3rd pump off. That said, the latter was in perfect condition and rarely have I tried it on better form. At least they know how to cellar the cask beers they do offer.
Traditional in essence, but clearly trying to appeal to a more working-class crowd than many Reigate boozers, with some more modern elements on offer (quizzes, karaoke, Ladies Night, bar food etc), I can see the place does have potential, which I can only hope the new manager who is spoken of so fondly by previous commentators realises. I wonder whether she was the woman who served me? She was very eager to provide good service and made what seemed to be a genuine effort to make me feel welcome (more than the usual barmaid does with a stranger). If it is you - keep up the good work. If not - the actual manager has a discerning eye for good bar staff!
Credit where its due - Kate the relatively new governor has greatly improved this pub; its much busier with plenty of organised events etc. Also, most of the louts seem to have (or been) moved on. Although not on the beaten track, many now walk to The Admiral from the town centre for food and drink - the quality of which is high.
Have now been using this pub regularly again for the last 5 months or so and it has improved as each month passes. It is much cleaner and the staff are much better managed now and the seating is definately more comfortable.
The events I have attended have been great fun and there seems to be an attempt to have something to suit every taste, from Cheese and Wine evenings (with wine on offer) to Karaoke, to Sports, to Ladies evenings to name just a few. Kate also seems open to suggestions for events to have in the pub.
Sad they no longer do Sunday lunches but the �5 plate of hot food on quiz night is great value and adds to a fun evening on the last Thursday of the every month. More quiz nights would be good tho especially during the winter months
On the whole a great little pub, which although off the main Reigate High Street is still worth the short stroll down Nutley Lane for a visit.
I still rate this pub an 8 and would definately recommend a visit .
much improved pub and the last poster's points are spot on. but the 'bald mercedes bore' had been reincarnated on our recent visit. he seemed quieter though.
A lovely local pub away from the high street. Fab new manager, and great bar staff (on the whole). Nice beer garden which has had some great BBQ's over the summer. Quiz night was fun the one time I went. Good selection of beers, ales, wines and spirits. All round nice friendly pub!
Oh and many might be pleased to find out, as I did on my last visit, that the bald mercedes bore has been barred!!!
Went there again twice recently. I think it's improving. Well kept beer (at least the London Pride that i had). Quite comfortable and friendly; good bar staff. A comfortable place to have a chat and contemplate life. Wi-fi access might be a good thing for the lunchtime punters (i'm surprised more people don't provide it, given that everyone's chasing trade), and i'm not convinced of the necessity of TWO large tv screens constantly on. nice to find a pool table and the garden's ok (but as a garden designer i could suggest a few improvements!). New landlady very personable and professional. One thing though: to run a good pub you need to be able to deal with the resident alcoholic, something that on my first recent visit the young girl at the bar seemed unable to do. One drunk boorish male singing loudly to the juke box can ruin the experience for the whole pub. Maybe direct him to the nearest AA meeting or community drug and alcohol team and make everyone's life happier. Let's face it, Ebeneezer Goode was never a good song, and it isn't improved by being sung by Mr Pisshead 20 years later... So i'll up my rating when they grasp that little nettle and do a bit of weeding.
Having read the previous comments, which I did agree with, I had to inform you that this pub now has a new lady manager, Kate, who, in my opinion, is trying very hard to make a difference. The whole place is cleaner and has a good atmosphere and you you can see the areas where a difference has been made. I have eaten there a couple of times and can recommend the food, the quiz nights are fun and the garden is ideal and very family friendly. I have given a rating of 8 for great effort and would recommend a visit.
went there recently. ok but not great, someone really pissed singing REALLY loudly in the front bar. Beer average, decorv and seats quite nice. Just nothing special.
Come on Simon sort out the baldie!
Cannot agree that this back street boozer can be described as the last poster's first sentence; its just an average pub with a very average staff. However, the warning about the resident bald headed mercedes bore is accurate.
A delightful classic English boozer, full of personality and charm. The Staff are delightful and so receptive- especially that Laura Croft one� she made this punter very happy!
Although word of warning, watch out for that Aggressive, �Bald� headed Hedge-fund administrator, as he no doubt has a chip on his shoulder about his Mercedes!
Obviously recently redecorated but pretty soulless. Some pictures on the wall perhaps, not just promotional posters. That said, the staff were friendly and the Youngs was good. Wouldn't avoid it but equally wouldn't go out of my way to go back.
Even though I went in at a quiet time, you could have heard a pin drop in here. However, at least the place was clean and tidy, and the Pride was in good condition.
An 8 rating ?
No way is this merited, although the refurb was well done.
Very clique-ish; that ex-mercedes/drunk bloke likes to take over and the staff need some supervising.
Great Little Local Pub, obviously refurbished fairly recently, Pride & youngs, plus the occasional guest beer, always in good nick, Also good place to watch sport, and they even make the effort to keep the rugby fans happy. plus have one of only a couple of pool tables left in reigate.
I went in here for a couple of pints with Niggly Nagle the other week and apart from taking a while to get served because the barmaid was being chatted up by a punter, was very impressed.
A pub I was introduced to by my son and his mates on a visit in 2005 and I recently visited early this month (july 2007). I was made so warmly welcome by owners Peter and Zioy and sincerely as well. The pub lacks the glitz, flashing lights and false stuff of the centre pubs but more than makes up for it by a local that you can sit and drink in and talk about life. The pub garden at the back is very nice and good for kids.... A visit to reigate will always have the Admiral on my diary....
A really great pub. A good selection of beers, wines and spirits and a friendly atmosphere make this pub a winner. The owners are friendly and the sofas are a welcome addition. Recommended.
Slightly out of town, very locals orientated boozer. Nautical themed and a good selection of beers. The previous landlords were excellent and left for the Greyhound in Redhill.
Arrows rating - Dartboard has recently been removed after the darts team fled the pub!
anonymous - 11 Jul 2005 16:55 |
I do like what they've done here. Its much more welcoming and my feet don't stick to the carpet no more. I would be in it most nights if it were nearer the town centre.
anonymous - 20 Jun 2005 17:23 |
Blimey I'll have a pint of what goosegog has had
Sorry, that should have been Zoy not Yoz!
A hugely improved version of the much maligned pub in Nutley Lane, new tennants Peter and Yoz have given The Admiral a full makeover and new image. The pool table has sadly gone but it does have some big comfy sofas now and good beers albeit a little limited in choice due to the brewery I think. If you haven't been since refirbishment pop along for a pint, you'll be surprised!