The last orders ladies and gentlemen PUHLEASE!! Nock Goldthorpe was the king of landlords and the Duke was the best pub back in the 80s, I agree Wolseley, great lock ins way back then so many fond memories. Such a shame it was closed, that means they will have taken down the fake beams in the public bar!
This now a restaurant called the Thai Lord
used to be great for after hours (private!) sessions in the back bar...ah! those were the days
I really miss this pub, good beer, good atmosphere, friendly staff. Was just another victim of the pubs converted to restaurants craze.
It's a pity, RIP Dukey see you in the next one.
yorts - 16 Feb 2006 18:24 |
It is now called the Thai Lord!!
sa - 8 Jun 2004 11:38 |
It no longer exists
Matt - 8 Jun 2004 11:37 |
now closed - become a Thai restaurant
anonymous - 17 Dec 2003 10:43 |
Nice cosy atmosphere, good range of lagers and beers. Friendly owners and big screen tv. Many theme nights.