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Durham Arms, Romford

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user reviews of the Durham Arms, Romford

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

This was our 3rd venue of a pub crawl in Romford. Its clearly a music themed place and I felt had quite a good vibe about it. There were a few old chaps at the bar generally shooting the sh1t and loud music playing which wasnt quite in keeping with the clientele at first, but then changed a bit to be more appropriate. I had a good look on the walls as there is a lot of music and football memorabilia, mainly centred on Tottenham and West Ham for football, and all kinds of music but there was a particular section that focused on the music I love, Madness, The Specials, The Jam, Sham 69. Even a few Quadrophenia photos. The drink selection was like everywhere in Romford: no real lager options but you just adapt. Seemed a friendly enough place with a pool table (I HATE blue clothed tables) and Id happily go back
pompeyron - 30 Mar 2015 09:22
This pub is awful.


We played this pub and Michelle(?) refused to pay in full after the gig.
If you've got bookings here, get something in writing or don't do it, her reasons for not paying were complete drivel.

Completely un professionsl, and to be honest.. it's not a worthy gig!!!!!

Spread the word, many bands have already been made aware of this in the area.

DirtyWafer - 9 May 2011 08:44
Not hearing anything good about this pub.
Would not trust the Landlady as far as I could throw her.
gilberto - 5 Oct 2008 18:05
Some colleagues and I, having had a lovely curry on a Friday night popped in here for a nightcap. It reminded me of the pub in 'Shameless': there was a terrible karaoke going on, monopolised by some of the more unsavoury regulars.Everyone in there was 'bladdered' and very loud, and the beer was crap. I wondered whether I should ask for a couple of 'es' when I ordered a round. Families welcome? Not unless you want them knifed or something!
HornchurchJohn - 11 Sep 2008 10:22
Gone downhill rapidly under the new manglement. Either it seems to be full of chavs or middle-aged wannabe chavs, or totally dead, even on a Saturday night. Unpleasant atmosphere and unpleasant open-plan decor which makes you feel very exposed. It was 10x better in the previous incarnation with cosy pub-style decor. "Family's welcome", it says in the window, which just about sums it up.
McIntosh - 1 Sep 2008 12:45
This pub has improved alot since the refurbishment.
Pop in occasionally for a pint, and if the football is on then i'll be in there for the duration.
Good priced pints.
Was it me or did the pint prices seem to go up every single week under the last bloke??

Jackrum - 2 May 2008 07:20
I visited this pub one Saturday evening being new to the area and found the atmosphere really flat. There was karaoke and I felt that I had walked into someone�s front room: It was like being in a school common room. The drink was pretty awful too. I wont be returning there again.
shea - 4 Feb 2008 13:52
Was here the weekend, friday nights good karaoke, saturdays disco was good, sunday night they have a great singer chris hobart really worth going to see him.
Beer is quiet cheap and the atmosphere is great

anonymous - 10 Sep 2007 09:55
Great Pub now, has a good manager and friendly staff.
Also has pool table and dart board. Nice to see a pub thats is actualy sticking to the over 21 rule.

Worth going to
anonymous - 7 Sep 2007 08:46
apparently now owned by the bloke who owns the Ruskin Arms in east ham.
being refurbished.
Jackrum - 6 Aug 2007 20:16
Will probably go downhill since the shooting in there last week.
Jackrum - 19 Jun 2007 08:12
For some bizarre reason I used to frequent this pub in the early 90's with a mate of mine. Bizarre for the fact that he lived in Collier Row and I lived near North Street so a bit of a hike.

I remember they had a lounge, which we were always welcome in and the landlord was a lovely old feller who when he found out I was in the army in Germany latched on to me and regalled me with his stories of National Service.
Fruitbat - 24 Oct 2006 13:28
Local little boozer about 5 minutes walk from my house.
not bad place for a few pints whilst watching the football.
toilets are a bit grotty but i have seen a hell of a lot worse.
prices wernt too bad for 2 pints a round.
friendly staff but it does seem to be a local pub for local people. the kind who look on new people like they do in wild west movies.
Jackrum - 21 Apr 2005 22:57

got anything to say about this pub?

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