Was here last night to see what ciders they had left over from the fairly recent beer festival. The answer was Mr Whitehead's Toffee Apple Cider & Purbeck Devil's Leaf. Ales were Sharp's Doom Bar, Greene King Abbot & IPA & Twickenham Yakima Valley APA. My pint of cider was £1.35 with a 50p off voucher. I tried to tell the barmaid that she had undercharged me. But she was a fairly characterful individual and didn't seemed too interested. She was far happier snapping at customers, leading to the manager ticking her off. The interior seems to have had a lick of paint. But the colour scheme makes it feel quite cold. Yesterday was the usual mix of drunkards and other waifs and strays. Handy for our regular curry spot and just about the only pub serving real ale and cider in this area.
JJ Moon's has had a bit of a makeover. It has new carpets and the gents toilets now look clean for once, with a fresh feel. The customers are much the same. But the current bar staff seem much friendlier than in the past. The ale range was Sharp's Doom Bar, Greene King Abbot & IPA, Jenning's Hop Commotion & Cotleigh Barn Owl. Ciders were Knight's Malvern Myst, Broadoak Moonshine Rum & Raisin, Hunt's Artful Rodger & Taunton Cider Company First Press Original. Will up my score to 6/10 based on this last visit.
At Wembley for a Saturday teatime England game at the stadium. 2 of us got here just before 7pm and it was starting to fill up with diners and the after football crowd.
A sign was up behind the bar advising everyone that it was normal pricing! This meant that 2 pints of Twickenham Breweries Naked Ladies was nearly £8.00, definitely not ‘Spoon’s normal prices.
It’s a large pub done out in a older style with several tv’s and a large projector screen at one end.
We only stopped for 1 pint before moving on, this is a fairly bog standard ‘spoon’s that on this my one and only visit was just above average.
Downgrading my ranking of this Wetherspoons as they have now stopped allowing CAMRA vouchers for real cider. This appears to be against the general policy of the company. It was busy as usual last night with the usual mix of 'spoons customers. The ale choice was nothing special - Adnams Broadside, Morland Old Speckled Hen, Wells Bombardier Glorious English, Exmoor Gold & Twickenham Spring Ale. Ciders were Sandford Orchards Devon Scrumpy & Orchard Pig Maverick. Still the only decent ale outfit in Wembley. But it's a shame the customer service has deteriorated in here.
An average 'Spoons... okay pint of Doombar sampled.
Still the only pub in Wembley worth drinking in. It's always been busy whenever I have been. Doesn't have a brilliant ale selection, compared with other Wetherspoons. Staff are rarely in a hurry to serve anybody and the clientele leaves a lot to be desired. Beers last night were Greene King Abbot & Abbot's Confession, Ruddles Best, Adnams Topaz Gold & Ninkasi Cream Ale. The 2 Westons ciders were Old Rosie and Marcle Hill.
Not quite a typical Wetherspoon's in that they had Sky Sports on with the live Football. Did a decent enough job of coping with a roomful of hungry and thirsty Wrexham fans (designated as a Wrexham pub by the police, presumably.)
However, they lose marks for operating 'Event Pricing' from 11.00 am which seemed to involve sticking £1 a pint on all the beers (in comparison to the Saturday night) which seems pretty outrageous to me. Get the police to fill your pub and then take them to the cleaners.
Was in here again on Tuesday night. The festival was on. So they had 3 guest ales to supplement the Ruddles Best & Fullers London Pride. The guests were Banks's Howling Wolf, St Peter's Grapefruit Beer & Steen Brugge. Ciders and perries on were Thatchers Traditional, Sandford Orchards Strawberry Lane, Westons Twist Mulled Cider & Mr Whiteheads Festival Perry. Finally left after sampling all of them! It was very busy for a Tuesday evening, with nearly if not all tables taken, in what is quite a big pub. Probably the best choice in this area.
ummm what to say... its a wetherspoons. it reminds me of the wetherspoons in middlesbrough, and the one in wycombe, and the one in manchester, and the one etc etc....
Ive always been confused by people absolutely slating pubs.... As a now regular in this pub, I have come to find out who 'Travelingdan' is! This is a man who has made a fool of himself within this pub and been barred! He's apparently now only allowed into 1 pub in wembley! im suprised he has access to a computer to be honest..... or knows how to use one! Apparently he has a long term grudge with the landlord...... I won't go into details....
Typical Wetherspoons branch located on the Wembley High Road and close to Wembley Stadium. 5 cask ales are available - Greene King Abbot Ale, Ruddles Best, Marston's Pedigree, Brewster's Decadence and O'Hanlon's Port Stout. Weston's Marcle Hill Cider is available in the fridge. There is plenty of seating as the pub stretches a lot further back than you think. In fact, it's quite a treck to the toilets.
Have to say, great pub.. apart from the sad comments added by begrudged wembley residents... I recently visited to discover the real ales here and my was i pleasently suprised. the abbot and pedigree are always available and are always top notch (as im told by the regulars who drink it...) and they always have two guest ales... always good! It was a weekday.. steak night i visited and the service was excellent... not to mention the steak.. i never thought i could get something so good in wembley! I shall definitely be back to this pub again! 10/10
It's a Spoons and a poor one at that. Had a pint of a Morrisey Fox brew that I have not seen before and judging by the taste, nobody else had either. Vinegar would only come slightly close to describing the taste. The GK Abbot wasn't much better and I gave up after that. The only up side was that on a non gig night, the establishment was deserted.
I generally avoid Wembley drinking, especially on stadium event days, but the tube strike left me with no alternative than to get to arrive early and take my chances in the crowds. I was expecting to be patient but I did not expect to wait 20 minutes just to get to the bar followed by a further 10 minutes of appearing to be invisible to the staff and then be admonished by the bar maid for having the temerity of showing my frustration as all and sundry were served before me. 3 of the 5 ales were off (don't they plan for busy event days) and then after all this they fleece you with increased charges (whilst the Price Watch display is proudly in view to all on the bar). I'm normally the first to defend Wetherspoons against much of the criticism that is leveled at them but this place is the most hypocritical and incompetently run branch I have come across. By contrast I was served immediately in the equally busy Bear next door.
I was disappointed by this Wetherspoon's - only 5 real ales on including only one guest and it was �3 a pint to-day. Plus the bouncers on footy days are typical bouncers, completely over-the-top and on a power trip, choosing not to let folk in seemingly willy-nilly. Don't leave the pub for a fag or you mightn't get let back in!
The latest publicity states it's a 3 mins walk from Wemley Stadium! I walk fast but bloody hell - 3 minutes???!!!
One of the poorest Wetherspoons I have been in and I have been in several. Even Wetherspoons usual good points seemed to be missing here on my visit. The service was appaling although this was hardly the bar staff�s fault � they worked like Trojans but management woefully underestimate the number required. Just the 4 Ales available on my visit with just 1 guest (great by an average pubs standard but poor for Wetherspoons). The tables were all unwiped and piling up with empty glasses and overflowing ashtrays. Even the pub itself was lacking any real focus and given the history of Wembley and �Spoons usual research into local history, there was very little to catch the eye apart from a superb giant aerial picture of the pre-�66 Stadium. A small outside covered patio caters for the smokers and sun lovers but overall, not a place worth going out of the way for, especially when there is an event on at the stadium.
�3 per pint on Cup Final day!
The beer is still excellent and, for the location, a decent atmosphere
ARRRGH! What have they done?? They've taken out half of the handpumps, further reducing the beer range (Now 5 pumps - Abbot, Best, Directors, Pedigree and only 1 guest if you're lucky)and they've also taken the sinks out of the gent's toilet and replaced them with more urinals and then put the sinks on silly wall brackets far too high up.
went in on friday 9th feb 2007 the pub had just reopened after a paint job and new taps, the beer was noticably cooler, the staff where as friendly as ever even though they where still tidying up.
anonymous - 14 Feb 2007 22:05 |
Went here in December when George Michael was playing at the arena and had a very good meal with great beer and it was cheap as expected, the roast was cheaper than the spoons near me about �2.00 less including the beer, BUT we ordered a pudding which was a mistake as we had to wait about 3 quarters of an hour for it, nice place though enjoyed it a lot.
Cheap and (mostly) cheerful.
Not bad for a whetherspoons. been here everytime when the snooker masters is on since 2004. The staff were very friendly. Maybe because the staff in Amsterdam (where i live) is one of the worst! Food and drinks not bad at all.
Pretty good high street Wetherspoon pub. Beer range varies and also the availability of some beers can be sketchy. Also (not at fault of the staff or managers - it's the company) they have too few staff on and it can take a long time to get served.
Its okay nothing special, a wetherspoons.
anonymous - 5 Jan 2006 17:48 |
FYI Phone number is 020 8903 4923 and it is right next door to the Old Post Office in Wembley! Barn of a joint but usual quality of JJ Moons.
Mike - 4 Sep 2004 10:56 |