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Bader Arms, Tangmere

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user reviews of the Bader Arms, Tangmere

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

The Bader Arms is now closed down.
adrienne - 8 May 2011 08:33
Postcode is incorrect. It should read PO20 2HS.
The_Final_Arbiter - 21 Jun 2010 11:22
Just getting started on this site, but you'll see more reviews soon. The Bader Arms in a 'traditional' community pub. It's situated in a village and serves it's community well. I get the immpression it has, in the past, struggled with a certain element of custom, which the 'New' tennants have done their best to irradicate. They are working hard to improve the pubs reputation, but need the support of the local community to achieve it. If you're looking for a quiet little country pub with 'Roses around the door', then it's not for you. But if you want 'lively' surroundings, a game of pool and watch the Footie with the locals, it's right up your street. It wouldn't do for us all to be the same, or there would only be one Pub, and it would be VERY crouded!! Good luck to them, I don't want to see another Pub close down for lack of support!
LaceCurtain - 21 Jun 2010 10:34
So much better than it ever was before I was going to a local lad from Ovings cremation so not a good day for me, and after my run in with the drunken lowlife locals at the Gribble the night before, I decided to try another local and hold my own wake for my late friend very friendly good beer food hit the spot and the Landlady's built like a landlady should be wonderfull
equitablyaboveboard - 17 Feb 2010 12:41
Bader Arms, what can I say... The staff were rude and too busy chatting to the locals. Not very welcoming to new customers!
Monkeyman06 - 29 Sep 2008 17:59
Attended the Bader Arms for a mid week drink, the pub appeared to be lovely, but unfortunatley the atmosphere was dull and the other punters were rude. This is not a place I would take my young children, as its customers mouths all ought to be washed out with soap...

BeerandFoodLover08 - 29 Sep 2008 16:42
Great pub with very friendly atmosphere, good food,
great service, highly recommended!
Spiritman - 27 Nov 2007 22:44
It's clean and cosy! It's a polite friendly place and an enjoyable place to eat, Scrumptios mouth watering foods with are bound to satisfy your tastebuds! It's not far and it's beeautiful.
Amelia Fidling - - 16 Nov 2004 13:40

got anything to say about this pub?

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