one of the best run pubs in ealing nice landlord and nice dinners too you should try it sometime
Worse pub I've been to in a while. Service was terrible. Young fella with tattoos served me, tried talking to him but he wasn't interested, in fact he was very rude. Wasted money in there, never to go back. Don't live in the area but stay from time to time and have been to a few of the pubs, they are all friendly and the staff seem to have time for you except this one. Pub was nearly empty, wonder why. To be avoided!
Probably my favourite pub in acton after a pub crawl. I dont know why really as it wasnt anything special but just a good place to have a drink. Some bloke in there was so p1ssed he was saying he couldnt work out what end of the pub he was in ha ha!
every time i am in acton i call in here, i keep quiet but i think they think i am a bit of an egit, i was singing irish songs the other day, brought tears to me eyes, oh well ime back to afghanistan next week(2 para)
Good old school Pub. Nothing fancy, just comfortable.
great local is john and cathie still there?
mickh - 21 Jun 2009 13:35 |
I thought that I�d stepped back in time when I walked in here, especially when I noticed the Mcewan�s tap on the bar. The other selections of draught are nothing out of the ordinary, but they do sell Webster�s Draught Bitter which I�ve not seen before.
There are a couple of plasma screens and small TVs and also a pool table around the back of the pub before the generously sized gent�s toilet. The music was very loud for the afternoon, but my nan would have loved it.
The landlady was very nice, as were the couple of locals that I met making my visit very pleasant.
A good, old fashioned Boozer. Nothing fantastic, but nice and clean. Clientele are generally over 60. Food is quite good.
anonymous - 26 Aug 2008 20:02 |
A fantastic boozer, this place is full of characters, I was made to feel very welcome. The bar staff will have a chat with as do the locals. Don't expect a modern interior, it old and looks tired, but some how this adds to the attraction of the place
Nice old 'real pub'. Went on a Friday night once & they had live Irish music. It's a laugh even though the pub ain't particularly modern or stylish. Plenty of elderly Irish women who pull you up to dance . they do food but never eaten there, trad stuff like boiled bacon, Sunday roasts etc.
Lovely pub with loads of character. A proper place to get really lashed. No half measure here. Good for: weekend evening piss up.