In here early Saturday evening so a bit quiet Above average JDW pub with some guest ales going for �1.99.
Beer is very cheap and the food is what you pay for. It depends if you want to pay �2.49 for a Kronenberg here or �3.25 anywhere else in Haverhill.
Typical understaffed Wetherspoons. Queing has become a pastime in these establishments. Certainly not family friendly, children shoved in the bag box room to eat. Food at its best can only be described as edible. Tables very often just left to build up with various empty, plates glasses etc.
Have been here a few times now and will never go in there again.Bad slow service,not enough staff on during busy times and they choose to train new people during busy periods!
Have also eaten twice and both time bad food,hardly get any chips at lunch time!
Horrible. Slip across the road instead for a basic but decent place to have a pint.
to be honest i can partly agree with these other posters, but they seem to have forgotten the fact that its a Weatherspoons...
i oftern have a quick lunch here with friends, the food is ok, nothing over the top, but when ur paying litterly �3-�6 for a meal you cant really complain.. the food oftern seems pre-prepared, and oftern spends a few mins under the hot plate, but at least it comes out together so you can all enjoy eating at the same time rather than that 1-2 people who sit there watching as you finish your meal so you have to give them good points for that..
the beer is good, the pipes seems to be very clean as you get a very crisp beer constantly - where in some pubs the pipes depends on if the bar manager gets up in time to actually bother cleaning the pipes.. but generally a good selection of beers/ales/lagers/spirits and obviously soft drinks - its a weatherspoons so ovbiously cheap food & drinks
yes it is oftern in-habitited a lot with the local lay-abouts, but its cheap beer what do you expect.. its the same with all weatherspoons pubs, u will always find them in there so dont complain about it..
the staff are always very friendly and always up for a laugh, so it makes it a very plesent atmosphere.. they are oftern short staffed but they still do the best they can.
its a weatherspoons after all.. you cant expect greatness if your not willing to spend the money.. for the price of the food and drink its a good pub, if your expecting a higher class of drinker then why are u going to a cheap pub..
Cheap beer/food. Full of doleites by day and tightwads by night. Nice enough though
If your idea of a good night is spending your whole night trying to get served, Whilst also listening to the droan of 50 seperate conversations buzzing all around you this is the place for you. Daytimes mostly inhabited by the towns out of work and benefit cheating lay-abouts.
one of the best of a bad bunch, but as good as anyone could manage in a place as dreary as haverhill!
SMW - 17 Nov 2004 13:00 |
Another wetherspoons pub frequented by drinkers of all ages as the beer is cheap!
Not much to recommend it other than that!
The toilet is a 14 day camel ride from the bar so make it a short visit or face the long trek!
Neill - 5 Jul 2004 09:47 |