Doesn't exist anymore! Now the Vaults, thank God!
Doesn't exist anymore! Now the Vaults, thank God!
I first drank in here when I was 14--Friendly guv'nor
This Hell Hole in The Wall is no more thank goodness.
It was shut down and reopened as the The Old Wine Vaults
This pub has just changed hands and name. It is now called The Old Wine Vaults. It has been refurbished but keeps the lovely beams and now you can see the oak floorboards! There are 3 cask ales, none are Sheps! One is from the Newnham brewery Hopdemon. A new grill menu and good food. Highly recomend you visit.
Well, they had four hand pumps. Two served Masterbrew (It is Faversham, after all), and the other two were off. The background music was far too loud to the point of being deafening, and I must admit taking an instant dislike to any pub that has a bouncer. The pub dog was OK, if you like dogs. There are those that would see the mutt as a plus point for the place. The locals � not many (four on a Friday night). Perhaps best described as having been chavs five years ago, but no one�s told them they are now too old to still dress in burberry. It�s not a bad pub � it has potential, and could do a lot better if it tried. Which is pretty much my criteria for only giving a pub 4/10. So that�s what it scores � and will actually pull the place�s rating up a bit�
Well kept pub. Will be back
On my last visit to faversham(5 jan 2007) the pub was closed, by the local law, due to anti social behavior and other offences.(as advised by the locals and landlord of the Crown and Anchor)
yuck! Chavs virus pikeys. Beautiful building wasted
So many problems with this pub it now only opens at night... even then you must submit to a search for weapons before admission. Popular place to start a fight which are generally continued in a branded cheap booze outlet a few doors away.
on my vist it was clean and tidy...a youth pub...played the pool table(not 1st class) and found a quiete corner....but that was mid week! not my idea of a "regular".!!
Nice old building, but the interior is usually a mess, eurgh! For inebriates who don't mind peeling walls, trashed furniture and shiny, sticky carpets. Having said that, it provides pool and sports TV. It gets refurbished every few years, but rapidly reverts to a hole in the wall. Generally packed with the very young.