details: mike
Favourite pub:
the Black Horse, Soho
Least favourite pubs:
the Dog and Fox, Wimbledon Village
the Prince Arthur, Lee
Favourite drink:
Boddington's bitter or Stella
Least favourite drink:
Articles by mike:
Monopoly Board Pub Crawl
Mike (not to be confused with Mike Techno) completed his drinking schooling in the plethora of pubs in his home town of Macclesfield and moved on to take his BSc(Hons) Ale Supping degree in the slightly more adventurous environs of Manchester. A move to London in 1998 gave him a good excuse to start a postgraduate conversion course in Lager Quaffing, which he still hasn't finished. He's not too fussed though, as the research is quite good fun.
Mike, although no lightweight in stature, is substantially less hardened than some of the other members of the Beer In the Evening politburo. Renowned for having the digestive constitution of a jellyfish, Mike is normally used as a benchmark for whether a night out was suitably large enough. If Mike's not hung over in the morning, not enough beer was sunk.
contact: [email protected]
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