details: clare

Favourite pubs:
the Turf Tavern, Oxford
the Witchwood, Ashton-under-Lyne
Least favourite pubs:
the Prince Arthur, Lee
the Ebury Arms, Victoria
Favourite drinks:
Wine, Gin and tonic
Least favourite drink:
Clare is a bit of a lightweight compared to the rest of the inner circle when it comes to pub visiting. She prefers to drink in the sort of pub/wine bar that doesn't have sawdust on the floor (so unlike everyone else the Black Horse is not her favourite pub), and limits her regular drinking to Pimlico and (less often) Blackheath. That said, there are still at least 4 pubs in Pimlico she hasn't yet visited, despite working there since 1998. Good at suggesting pub crawls, less good at actually going on them. She originally hails from Ashton-under-Lyne, which is the location of one of her favourite pubs - the Witchwood.
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