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BITE user profile - thesquirrellandlord

Profile information

I have been in the trade for some 36 years,
And enjoyed every day, there are not many people
Who can say that in life?
I love meeting new people and old regulars alike
And hopefully meeting their needs and exceeding
Their expectations while in my place of work
"Is the customer always right" well after all these years yes, but sometimes they need re-educating

Username: thesquirrellandlord

Age: 64

Sex: male

Latest comments by thesquirrellandlord

The Squirrel at Hurtmore, Hurtmore

New Menu just launched using where possible local produce and we now serve 3 real ales, 5 draught ciders, 5 lagers, a wheatbeer and of course Guinness, we also now serve wine in three sizes, small (125 ml) medium & large

12 Aug 2008 20:36

Contact thesquirrellandlord

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thesquirrellandlord has been registered on this site since 12th August 2008