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BITE user profile - scottie

Profile information

i am a bar associate at "union rooms" newcastle upon tyne. it is a wetherspoons venue and by far the best company i have ever worked for, both in the bar trade and outside. they care about thir staff, customers and company. huge thums up!

Username: scottie

Age: 38

Sex: male

Latest comments by scottie

The Union Rooms, Newcastle

well... i have a lot to say about union rooms. reading back across the comments i can honestly disagree with most of them for one reason. the mention about the lack of customer service and customer care, i could not disagree with more. i work in this venue and know that every single member of staff is commited to their customers, yeah we all get a bit tired and ratty sometimes so sorry (we aologise!!!) but most of the time we are. i sociolis here as awell and find it has a great atmosphere. we do show football, and the lack of music etc is company policy for customer comfort, to give them the option to sit somewhere and actually be able to hold a conversation without shouting. we are very reaosnable, but dont compromise quality to deliver this. jdw is the best company by far i have worked for, and the union rooms has my upmost respect as does all its staff!

5 Jan 2006 02:01

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scottie has been registered on this site since 5th January 2006