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BITE user profile - rodgoslin

Profile information

An old guy. Ex almost everything, but still enjoys a good pint

Username: rodgoslin

Age: 89

Sex: male

Latest comments by rodgoslin

The Green Dragon, Lincoln

I remember this pub, when it opened (or re-opened), back in the sixties. It opened as a high class eating and drinking establishment. The first floor bar was steward service only, and I well remember asking him if they had any crisps. To be told no, but that if Sir wished to eat, there was a very good restaurant on the floor above. Needless to say, they had very little custom until they lowered their sights to a more common level, when it was always packed, at my elevated age of 40, with children

11 Mar 2009 00:29

The Cornhill Vaults, Lincoln

I remember this pub when it first opened. One of Ruddles Breweries outposts. It's fair to say that this pub was one of the best I ever drank in. If you were one of the regulars (and I was) you would be told when they had an especially good barrel of County in, which they kept quiet about. Since one of the barmaids was half of a husband and wife sailing crew, at Rustons Sailing Club, where I sailed. I was assured of the nod when the exceptional brew came in.

11 Mar 2009 00:21

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rodgoslin has been registered on this site since 11th March 2009