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BITE user profile - robandnikki

Profile information

Username: robandnikki

Age: 63

Sex: ?

Latest comments by robandnikki

Crown Inn, Westcott

The pub is fine, if you don't like it don't go in it, it's very easy!!

16 Feb 2009 12:59

Crown Inn, Westcott

Friendly local, with a landlord who cares and a choice of noise. Real fire, eclectic selection of well kept beers and, from the other comments on this site, obviously someone with a grudge!!

A realpub, ie nothing fancy, but do you really want to inhabit fake gastro pubs, if so you have a fine selection in the area, all filled with the types who do like them!

12 Feb 2009 09:29

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robandnikki has been registered on this site since 12th February 2009