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BITE user profile - justice4thepeople

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Latest comments by justice4thepeople

The Woodborough, Winscombe

This public house is very pretty and we like going there but, what happened to a young lady there last night was very disgusting. We could not beleive how a female member of staff marched up to her face shouting and intimidating her in front of her friends, over not taking her take away drink away but opening it outside, we heard her call her a slag! and she needed to get an eduaction causing the young lady to get histericle as she was trying to explain.
I can't understand why these people work with people when the have no people skills at all, we will never go to the Woodbrough Inn ever again unless this barmaid called JOE is dissmissed! I hope another member of staff has the courage to inform the owner as it is apparent this member of staff is a bully!

24 Jul 2013 10:20

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justice4thepeople has been registered on this site since 24th July 2013