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BITE user profile - dionysos

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Latest comments by dionysos

The Moon and Stars, Penge

Badly managed at the moment,TV sets turned off all day, penny pinching.
The part about all the staff chatting down at the kitchen end hasn't changed.
Heat was at a minimum a lot of the days during the winter.
Can be left ages waiting to get served even if your a regular.
The plus side is the beer is cheap and mainly if not always good.

12 Apr 2023 10:32

Postal Order, Crystal Palace

Goodish pub, with potential to be a lot better.has come through its fly infestation and beer watering phases.Normaly stocked with good selection of real ales, the carlesberg can be crab moreoften than not.
The trouble with this this pub,for the last few tenures,has been the managers themselfes.
This pub seems to induse moby dick syndrome in whoever takes over,(thats moby big bonus dick),With the consequence that,there is never enough staff behind the jump.
A visit to the bar can seem like the oddessy,when you get back to your company conversations are forgotton, people have aged,and what your purpose on earth has escaped you.
Meanwhile the manageress with the mad captain ahab look in her eye, struts around with keys jangling everywhere like a demented jailer.
The best staff again jump ship,customers feel ailenaited and on and on and on.

19 Jan 2010 06:16

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dionysos has been registered on this site since 19th January 2010