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BITE user profile - deejay

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Username: deejay

Age: 41

Sex: ?

Latest comments by deejay

Seven Stars, Brighton

Rumour has it its not making money as seven stars and will be sold and turned into a slug and lettuce..its just a rumour so far though!

18 Aug 2008 05:57

The Walkabout, Brighton

I have read through some of these comments and it seems some people have suggested things rather than given actual fact.

So here is the honesty.

The reason Walkabout and all venues over a 600 capacity serve in plastics is down to local police licensing asking them to do so.

There is police presence in west street but this is not for any place in perticular. Its for public safety and to control the many people coming out of this congested area. As im sure you can appreciate there are many clubs and bars in west street.

No its not the ritz and yes its a loud party bar thats open till 3am but it also has live music, and sport, plus DJ's and drinks deals. So all in all its not a bad venue to go to and rarely has trouble, as per the award for best bar from sussex police shows above the door as you walk in.

Reviewers so not suggest things, but rather review them.

As far as i see the walkabout, its loud, its fun, theres a good atmosphere and its cheaper than many over late night places.

18 Aug 2008 05:46

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deejay has been registered on this site since 25th September 2006