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BITE user profile - craigdunn

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Username: craigdunn

Age: 46

Sex: ?

Latest comments by craigdunn

The Chancery Bar & Kitchen, Fulham

Still nothing - the builders came to put some more boards up on the windows, and thats it - We have noticed recently a To Let sign has been put up, so I assume the deal fell through and they're looking for a new occupier.

31 Oct 2006 10:55

The White Cross, Richmond

This is a fantastic little pub right on the river. Gets very busy in the summertime, and in the winter it's a nice little warm cove to have a good pint of youngs bitter and while away an afternoon.

I've been here a few times, and always make a point of having a pint in the white cross whenever I'm in Richmond.

Sadly, the only thing that lets it down is the landlord. A few months back he got quite offended when I asked if I could plug my phone in (atleast I asked!!) to charge - despite the fact that we'd been in there for a few hours racking up a bar bill that could definatley pay for the .01p needed to charge a phone. Second time was recently, on a fairly busy night when he cocked up giving me 20 quid cash back and left me �10 short, when I asked about it he stroppily game me a fiver, then when I (politely) quieried that it should be a tenner, with receipt...etc in hand, he slammed open the till, exclaimed that he "couldn't be bothered with it" and threw a fiver over the bar to me.

All in all - the pub rates a good 9/10 for me, but the grumpy landlord severely lets down the atmosphere, so I've downed it to a 7.

21 Nov 2005 11:34

The Colton Arms, Barons Court

I really dont understand what the fuss is about with this place. Whoever runs it has missed out on ALOT of potential - if you take your eyes away from the furnishings and the bar, the building itself has a quaint country feel about it and you'd expect the rest to follow suit. In my opinion, the metal bar (urgh), and plastic backed benches (urgh urgh) just look tacky. I'll not be going back.

19 Oct 2005 14:20

See all comments by craigdunn

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craigdunn has been registered on this site since 7th October 2005