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BITE user profile - chilledyogi

Profile information

Username: chilledyogi

Age: 56

Sex: ?

Latest comments by chilledyogi

The Cecil Arms, Saltash

This pub closed in June of 2009. The old landlords did a great job, it was just a case of economcs that closed the pub. Unfortunatly the pub was a vicitm of the brewary and economic climate.

15 Aug 2009 15:55

The Cecil Arms, Saltash

Just to let you all know that the pub will be open, and up and running by the end of November. We are currently signing the lease with the pubco. Look forward to welcoming customers old and new. New landlords are Simon & Simon.

14 Nov 2008 21:44

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chilledyogi has been registered on this site since 14th November 2008