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BITE user profile - bigpalooka

Profile information

Username: bigpalooka

Age: 57

Sex: ?

Latest comments by bigpalooka

One, Lewisham

Pesky laptop and kitten on my keyboard, let's try that request again:

Does anyone know the details of the owners?

I have a legitimate complaint of assult on me by a drunken member of staff. Pity stops me from police involvement.

13 Dec 2012 20:46

One, Lewisham

Does anyone know the dken member details of the owners?

I have a legitimate complaint of assult on me by a drunken member of staff.

13 Dec 2012 20:41

One, Lewisham

May we ask the "manager" (and yes I use the term loosely) to, and I qutote "Jog on".

Yes, Einstein, I have homes to go to, plus other bars with 24 hour licence.

No gold star there then.

25 Jan 2010 02:27

See all comments by bigpalooka

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bigpalooka has been registered on this site since 5th March 2008