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BITE user comments - New_to_Barnes

Comments by New_to_Barnes

The Globe, Covent Garden

Awful place. Exceptionally bad service and poorly kept beers. Quite how the manager of this establishment thinks he is an ideal candidate to work in the service industry is beyond me. He is quite possible the rudest ill tempered man to have set foot behind a bar. When not abusing customers who had the audacity to order a drink he is bullying his miserable looking staff to the point where punters felt the need to intervene. I was unfortunate to have witnessed him scream accusations of theft at one of the bar staff who promptly fled in tears. The man is a tyrant. His personality disorder is further illustrated on the paintings on the walls where various portraits of important historical figures (Henry VIII etc) have had their faces replaced with images of the manager. Quite scary really. I left after a few minutes having taken a sip of a rancid pint of bitter. I could not be bothered to complain about the dodgy pint as Stalin behind the bar would probably have tried to send me to the Gulag.

Avoid this place at all costs.

23 May 2008 10:25

The Sun Inn, Barnes

Given that this pub is the nearest to where I live I so want it to be my 'local'...I really do. But it is becoming increasingly difficult to be loyal to a venue where the service is so fantastically slow. I gave up and left for the first time this week after waiting several minutes in a near empty pub to order. Two other gentlemen had similar thoughts and departed for the Coach & Horses down the road. The three of us watched in wonder as we were ignored while the one visible member of staff seemed to take an eternity to make a cup of coffee. Tragically this is not unusual, it�s not that the staff are unfriendly when you finally catch their attention; it�s just that there seems to be a total and utter lack of urgency. It can�t be that hard to sort out��.can it?

27 Oct 2007 00:32

The Sun Inn, Barnes

Nice venue, fantastic location, some nice beers but a bit of a lottery when it comes to service. When the slightly 'older' staff are on duty the service is excellent.

However when the kids are given the run of the place it takes forever to get noticed and even longer to get served, even when the pub is quiet. They look barely legal to have a drink themselves and seem more interested in chatting and giggling to each other in the corner then actually serving customers. The two 'spaced out' lads with the mullet haircuts do the pub no favours, when struggling to remember orders over 3 drinks they are fighting to keep their trousers up which 'fashion' dictates should be hanging half way down their arses at all times. Getting served drinks by lads who are constantly realigning their boxer shorts while handling glasses is not exactly endearing.

Also, in future, when a customer has a complaint (like the woman standing next to me at the bar did about the food) it might be worth taking it seriously as opposed to laughing at her which the blonde girl behind the counter did.

20 Jun 2006 00:18

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