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BITE user comments - Gary_1

Comments by Gary_1

The Auld Hoose, Edinburgh

I love this place. Very "studenty" feel, even for mature students like my good self. :)
They have lots of Brew Dog and Wychwood beers like Hobgoblin, kept in very good condition.
One of the best JukeBoxes in Edinburgh and very alternative friendly.

What's the matter larger boy... scared you might TASTE something? :P

4 Nov 2010 21:04

The Jekyll and Hyde, Edinburgh

This is one of the coolest pubs. :)
I love the bookcase toilet doors and the general spooky feel.
Some great cocktails. ...try Sloth from the 7 Deadly Sins range. :P
Good music and videos playing, good staff and a great atmos!
Love it! :D

4 Nov 2010 20:48

The Cramond Inn, Cramond

I am very discerning, indeed most of my tastes are alternative, I am known for this.
Not least, my taste in drink is alternative... Brew Dog is one of my favourite breweries.
I don't like bog standard pubs, in fact, I prefer real ale pubs and alternative pubs.
The problem is that The Cramond Inn offers NOTHING but Samuel Smith's beer, NOTHING but the unknown (and IMHO frankly disgusting tasting) Walker and Scott's Spirits, NOTHING but Scintilla minerals and NOTHING but there own, equally unknown brand of crisps and worst of all, they have now even removed most of the home made food in favour of frozen food.

When people go out for a meal they do not expect something that they could have microwaved themselves at home!

I prefer alternative brands but I do not like them rammed down my throat to the exclusion of all else, especially when the quality isn't that great and I have tried three W&S spirits and felt like I was drinking after-shave.

It is not fair to remove choice from the customers to this degree and it is time somebody said something about it!

From what I've heard the boss at Samuel Smith's was even given a petition full of signatures from customers (regular and otherwise) and, from what I heard, said, "If you don't like it go somewhere else!"
A lot of the local customers are elderly and disabled and now would love to go elsewhere if they could!

Nice to know he cares so much about customer opinion!!! �.�

4 Nov 2010 20:16

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