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BITE user comments - Beer40

Comments by Beer40

The Masons Arms, Teddington

This pub does so much right. Friendly staff and great beer make it a good option.

I do think that it could be improved further though by simply redoing the lighting (it's far too bright - feels more like an airport lounge than a cosy pub) and, for the same reason, painting the cream walls with a slightly darker colour. Again, an easy win which would vastly improve the feel of the place. It's just all a bit too bright.

Or maybe I'm an old fashioned git who prefers the traditional atmosphere of a pub when everybody else likes to go to European style, brightly lit bars. It's a shame for the gits like me though.

21 Feb 2011 10:58

The Abercorn Arms, Teddington

This place appears to be undergoing a serious refurb. Not for the better from what I could see on Saturday. The character seems to be in the process of being ripped out and replaced by pastel colours and naff wallpaper. I can only guess this is a misguided effort to attract more women/couples who the owners hope will buy overpriced food and and even more overpriced wine. A big gamble in this neck of the woods I reckon. Fashion and food do not improve great old pubs like this - and once it's gone, it's never coming back.

I know I should reserve judgement until it's finished, but this looks perilously like becoming another super, characterful old pub utterly ruined.

21 Feb 2011 10:50

The Golden Heart, Shoreditch

It is a credit to this website that the reviews below truly reflect just how awful the service in this pub is. Other websites are full of the usual cant about "traditional east end boozer" and "charming mother and daughter landladies". The truth is, the service in this dreadful pit has to be seen to be believed. Perhaps they could incorporate it as an additional horror in the tour for the Jack the Ripper tourists. They show nothing but contempt for their customers. I was in there and a large bowl of peanuts had been left in front of customers on the bar. I had a couple of peanuts while I waiting for the hatchet faced bar maid to serve me. Suddenley I am confronted by a furious barmaid accusing me of theft and shouting about how the peanuts are for the staff! Planet Earth to The Golden Heart: If you leave peanuts on the bar in a pub, customers assume they are put there for their benefit.

I would recommend this pub if you are in the area and you want to go and point and laugh at the most unpleasant and obnoxious bar staff in the UK.

24 Dec 2010 09:47

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