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The Cannon, Old Brompton - pub details


Address: 15 Garden Street, Old Brompton, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 5AS [map] [gmap]

Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 28933) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras

Nearest train stations Chatham (1 mile), Gillingham - Kent (1 mile), Rochester (1.1 miles)

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> Current user rating: 4.3/10 (rated by 6 users)
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other pubs nearby:

Two Sawyers, Brompton (0.1 miles), King George V, Brompton (0.1 miles), Royal Marine, Gillingham (0.2 miles), Nelson Brewery Tap, Chatham (0.3 miles), Six Jolly Fellowship Porters, Chatham (0.3 miles) - see more nearby pubs

user reviews of the Cannon, Old Brompton

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

Called in on a friday night, no "local roughs" in evidence, very friendly welcome in fact! Strikes me as a "good honest boozer" - well patronised at that. Seems to have plenty going on from posters on display, there had clearly been somthing on earlier as we were invited to partake of the free buffet provided for the event.

Was there a downside? - Yes, only two handpulls in evidence and only London Pride available on the night, the other having run out. Ignoring this a 4 out of 10 score is unfair, harsh even, 6 borderline 7 (sort the second beer out) from me. based largely on the overall feel of the place. Would be more than happy to call again.
robf - 21 Mar 2012 12:43
this pub is the best pub you will ever visit the landlady makes every one welcome enter a stranger leave as a freind this is the best pub in bromton
rroysboy - 7 Oct 2010 16:25
I got the impression that you're not particularly welcome if you don't fit in with the local 'roughs' that frequent this place. I have only visited this pub twice but never again as what I witnessed the second time was nothing beyond disgusting and appalling. I saw a beered up, old woman start a fight with a girl that was young enough to be her own daughter. If that weren't enough, she then called on most of the pub to help her out and the language was absolutely appalling. I would've thought that someone of that age would know/behave better. I wasn't even halfway through my pint when I had to leave as I couldn't stand seeing and hearing this much longer.

anonymous - 17 Nov 2006 13:09
Three roomed pub - public, saloon and games room - served by a double sided central bar. One cask on offer - London pride in poor condition: warm and slightly sour. The place does have some charm - like an old railway station waiting room with little added features of interest, such as the cats on the roof over the saloon bar. Used by the soldiers from the local barracks so can be noisy and playful. The saloon bar is the quietest room. The pub organises several active clubs: football, darts and a popular and successful golfing club. It does well for the locals.
SilkTork - 28 Apr 2006 17:27

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