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Wickham Arms, Brockley

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user reviews of the Wickham Arms, Brockley

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

This used to be a cracking pub when Tom ran it....busy, friendly, good mix of people. Regrettably the owner's son took over the pub and buried the place. It never really recovered and limps on, changing landlords almost as frequently as the barrels.
Shabby7 - 17 Jan 2014 18:58
hello ppl wud any 1 want to see food in this pub and do you fink it wud work???
farmhouse12345678 - 11 Aug 2011 11:10
Come off it strongers. Think about where you are and the alternatives. Fair comment about the and blinding but thats the way it goes here abouts, most of the locals are Millwall supporters! As to the adverts, suggest, politely, they turn it down a bit and they will. I have always found the staff extremely aware of whose waiting and you can't say that of many pubs. Plasma screen? Just ask.
secretdrinker - 23 Nov 2009 08:55
I found it very off putting that I had to shout above the very loud adverts that were being emitted from the radio in order to get my pint in this local�s backstreet boozer. I should have been grateful as it masked the �F this' and �C that' which was being spouted by a couple of people in the pub. I spotted a plasma screen for the showing of Sky Sports, but this was off due to my visit being during the afternoon.

Courage Best and Pride were both available, but the Landlord was off although I did have a decent pint of Guinness.

There is a large decked area out the front with plenty of seating, but unfortunately it was raining so I couldn�t escape.

I�m not sure whether I would use this pub even if I lived next door.
Strongers - 14 Nov 2009 10:29
Good local for a few pints. England flags could put some off but definitely a nice place for a few pints / pool / sitting outside. Watching the (high standard!) regulars do kareoke on the odd night only adds to an easy night out.
olibasciano - 5 Jul 2009 18:18
Attractive, friendly local pub. Nice place to sit outside with a cigarette and watch the world go by, in this pretty part of Brockley
spincat - 16 Jun 2008 06:50
Refurbishments make this a really nice, bright pub now. Tastefully done but still in keeping with "local" traditions. Well done guys.
secretdrinker - 8 Nov 2007 11:00
Glad to see the customers (and bar staff) taking no smoking seriously, even to the extent of sitting outside in torenntial hail storms.
secretdrinker - 5 Jul 2007 10:04
Change is always difficult and familiarity is what a lot of us want. I have known this pub for 30 odd years and apart from a few changes it has remained the same. It is a good local, with friendly (usually) staff and the managers have been very attentive to their customers.

I worry about the changes for several reasons but they are all selfish. I will miss the pubby atmosphere and my wife might see me through the window when I'm sneeking out for a quicky. The pub is moving with the times (and the house prices in the area)but it is sad to see a trad pub go modern.

Still we all need to move on so good luck Ted, and thanks for the drink.

secretdrinker - 1 Jun 2007 10:38
Went for a couple last night: it's all still as it was (which is a good thing).

(Didn't get smiled at but maybe I'm just funny looking).
MrScott - 21 May 2007 17:33
Glad to see that the Wickham Arms is being updated! I was worried that it would fall to property investors and get turned into flats. I am relatively new to the area, but it already seems that the row of shops next to the pub and diagonally opposite have already been turned into flats, and I am told that the building opposite the Wickham Arms was originally also a pub. Everyone I speak to in Brockley says the area is crying out for a decent pub, hope that the Wickham Arms becomes that place!
P.I.G - 10 May 2007 17:14
Dear Customers

We would like to update you on our future plans for The Wickham Arms. Our previous manager Tom has recently retired and our son Paul has decided to take over the running of the pub.

We have not personally had any input over the past three years and the pub is now in need of some serious refurbishment works. We have already had discussions with John, a regular customer from The Brockley Society and other customers who all gave us valuable feed back on things that they would like to see improved or changed. We have also held meetings with a design team and formulated a plan of action. However, all these proposed works would have to be passed by the Planning and Conservation committee�s of Lewisham Council and will take some time. If they are passed we would like to carry out the following:

Schedule of proposed works.

� Replace all windows with double glazed clear units thus letting in more natural light and enabling people to see inside.

� Create new entrance leading out onto the front patio with an inner lobby.

� Brick up existing entrance and create window, thus helping to improve noise levels to No 71.

� Brick up existing side entrance door (over delivery trap).

� Open up original side (arched) door.

� Remove existing bar and re-site new bar along back wall between ladies toilets thus freeing up a larger trading area.

� Refurbish ladies toilets allowing for No2 cubicles.

� Ventilate gent�s toilets.

� Take up existing carpets and replace with natural wood flooring to complete internal area.

� Complete replacement of all internal furniture and furnishings.

� Non smoking comes into effect on July 1st and we will also need to keep windows and doors closed by 11pm therefore we will be installing air conditioning units. Provisional installation date is 2/6/07.

� Front patio and fence to be replaced.

� New Wickham Arms sign to front of pub.

� Complete redecoration to interior and exterior of the pub.

� Install a catering kitchen.

� Numerous other works to be carried out in conjunction with the main works.

As you can see from our commitment of approximately �180,000.00 it is our intention to bring the pub into the 21st century and more in tune with the local area, while at the same time preserving the traditional feel and ambience of the old Wickham Arms and creating a warm and welcoming environment for all.

We have already had a good spring clean, freshened up the upholstery and repainted the toilets and pool room. This is an interim measure until the works are completed and hopefully will show our commitment to improving the pub in all areas. Our works programme is due to commence late September and be completed in time for Christmas. Drawings will hopefully be available by the 30th May and we will pin these up so customers can mull them over at their leisure. If anyone has any constructive comments then please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Paul at the Wickham. We will be creating a website in the near future to keep everyone updated.

Kind regards

Ted & Paul O�Hara

P.S Smiling barmaids are top of our agenda!

anonymous - 28 Apr 2007 11:56
The last comment may become more relevant in the coming days. Owners son has now taken over and the atmosphere amongst the locals is wary at best. Still like it though but there is little choice around here.
secretdrinker - 11 Apr 2007 09:23
At one time the last comment was indeed true, but that was few years back. Now it is pretty much all dodgy geezers and the owner's cronies.

They pretty much drove out all the old regulars, which were a wonderful mixed crowd - from builders to lecturers, students to binmen. Pretty much all gone now.

It should be a lovely pub. It was a lovely pub not that many years ago. But now the prices are phenomenal considering the area, the beer is badly kept and the atmosphere can be a bit dire.

So now it is pretty much one of those little back street bars that only serve a few regulars.

I hear the music nights can still be great though. Just about the only decent bit of reputation it has left.
anonymous - 2 Mar 2007 13:05
nice place, diverse number of pub characters, and decent pint of pride... how a pub should be
12many - 6 Jan 2007 15:07
Further to JamesW's query, only if you think a roll is food. Although they do lay on stuff for special events (mostly funerals recently). Furthermore I would agree with clive, there are some really, really good musicians visiting.
secretdrinker - 28 Nov 2006 16:41
Does it do food?
JamesW - 2 Mar 2006 19:58
The best pub in the Brockley/Crofton Park area. Could do with some more real ales though. I'd attend this pub more if it had a really decent selection of bitters.
JamesW - 2 Mar 2006 19:58
I'm a regular in here (too close to home) and generally agree with the positive points. A good place to come if your a builder looking for work!!

Thank god pubs like this exist.
secretdrinker - 7 Sep 2005 16:04
I'm with Laura. One of the only proper pubs left in London. Diverse set of customers, decent beer and good atmosphere.
Veg - 27 Aug 2004 16:21
I think Mr Lake can hardly been impartial, although he does declare his hand.
This pub is in need of a total refurbishment and rethink. Brockley has moved on some way since the post war years! And so have pubs!
Jack Pendelton - 25 May 2004 19:39
Very Karaoke Kingdom, epic in full flight. Well supported local with an unhurried, welcoming atmosphere.
A.J.Cotter - 12 May 2004 14:29
A solid wetheralternative with a good pool room. Best viewed in the afternoons as it can get a bit fake Burberry in the evenings. After frequenting regularly for over a decade still get a fairly unfriendly welcome.
adamafurness - 25 Apr 2004 10:40
this is a welcome change from the wetherspoons down the road. a good pool table room too. however i have found it a tad unfriendly and the wine is APPALLING. the live music is really really worth a visit. honestly.
clive - 25 Apr 2004 02:09
Locals pub who love their kareoke on a Friday and Sunday night. A god laugh and it is an actual, proper old boozer.
MrScott - 23 Feb 2004 11:59
What can I say. The perfect local - I love this pub!
Laura Stitz - 7 Jan 2004 10:39
Great little local - and the garden is a real bonus as none of the other pubs in the area have one.
Mark Glennon - 10 Oct 2003 15:01
It's a classic London boozer, lots of velvet, friendly staff & good atmosphere. Not quite so sure about the new dancefloor, but there is an excellent quiz night every tuesday (well I would say that 'cos I run it sometimes!)
Oliver Lake - - 28 Sep 2003 10:44

got anything to say about this pub?

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